“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”

-Langston Hughes

Introducing the Wings of Louisiana Collection…

First off, how has it taken me THIS LONG to create this collection? I could stare at these birds all day and still not fully appreciate the beauty of them, so it was about time I painted them with watercolors.

In this proud Louisiana collection, it’s the subtle, quiet details that make these pieces oh so special. Like the hints of iridescent chrome paint I added in to really show the light refracting on the water in each painting. Even the feathers on the mallard duck and wood duck are topped off with the iridescence that you would see on the real bird. Any opportunity I have to add some sparkles in my art, I’m going to take it.

When it comes time for photographing my art, I enjoy using my creativity to stage my art in the best way that I can to bring out the best in each piece without drawing your attention away from the art itself. And I love to use what I can find in nature to stage the photos. For this collection, I gathered up a bunch of palmettos in my backyard to place around the paintings given that each painting included them or at least resembling some sort of swamp grass. Even though I was shaking in my boots gathering those palmettos fearing that a snake was about to appear out of nowhere, I’d say it was necessary for the sake of making my art shine!

Anyway, let this collection make you want to spread your wings and take that risk you’ve been thinking on taking or start actually pursuing that dream that’s only been a reality in your head. Just take the leap of faith and start flying and if you lean on God through it all, you’ll begin to soar.

With love, Kathryn